About Us

JustViews was created back in the late 1990’s. I then did the unthinkable. I forgot to renew the domain name. Someone else snapped it up, probably thinking I would pay big bucks to get it back. HA! Since I really wasn’t doing much with the domain, I let it go. Instead I bought another domain, scribblers.net. At the same time, I created Scribblers Express, LLC. It would be a few years before I would purchase the justviews.net domain.

What started my love of reviewing began when I was very active in the AOL (America Online) Writers Group. I took care of the message boards, posting articles, reviews, and hosting events. Eventually the group was taken in by iUniverse. Within a year, the group was gone. It was during this time an author asked me why I didn’t review books. I certainly read enough. I should have been putting my thoughts down. I certainly had plenty to say. So convinced I had no clue what I was doing, I started writing reviews. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was quite entertaining and much better than just reading the book, tossing it to the side, and starting another. By the end of the year, I had 200 reviews and counting. At the time, I was reading upwards of 50 books each and every month while being a full-time homemaker while homeschooling four children. This continued until I divorced in 2004. By that time, I had 2500 reviews to my credit scattered throughout the web. My reviews ranged from 100 words to 2000 words. Over my reviewing career, most of the books I read average a 4 star rating. I rarely rate a book less than 3 stars.

JustViews.net and Scribblers.net are one and the same. Social Media accounts varied with some using the justviews monkier and others using scribblers. At one point I was using my name. But I wanted something easy to remember. Which one did I really want? Which one should be used? That remains the question. Now with 2023 firmly under control, the social media accounts are either using justviews or justviewspr. The complete breakdown where you can find us will be listed at the bottom of this page.


5 Stars: Fantastic. Would read again.

4 Stars: Love the book. Great story.

3 Stars: Good story.

1 & 2 Stars: Something is really wrong!

My ratings are very simple. Allow me to elaborate on a few points since I not only read published books but I also read ARCs. Advance Review Copies can and do have typos, grammar errors, wrong names, misspelling, cultivated wording, and so on. When I read an ARC, I assume the final copy will have all aforementioned issues fixed.

I do borrow books from the local public library so you may notice library markings on paperbacks and hardcovers. I also borrow books through Amazon Prime, Kindle Unlimited, and Kobo Plus. I’ve also purchased many ebooks. I specifically state if the book was received as an ARC, borrowed, or purchased. NOTE: There are reviews that do not have a disclaimer. Some reviews were written on the Kindle app and posted directly to Amazon and Goodreads. The rest are before disclaimers were requested. Regardless of where the book was acquired, ALL of my reviews are voluntary, my opinion, and my words.

Affiliate Marketing and Ads

Scribblers Express, LLC, is affiliated with Amazon Associates. Anytime you click on a link, banner, or graphic of book leading to Amazon, Scribblers Express, LLC, will make a tiny portion of the sale when you make a purchase. This is not extra money out of your pocket. You will pay exactly what you would pay if you purchased directly from the amazon.com website.

Ads: At some point in the future, ads may be available for authors and publishers along with other companies associated with the book world.

The money received from any and all affiliate programs will be used exclusively to pay for the upkeep of the websites and other miscellaneous expenses.

You can find us on: Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook.

Reviews can also be located on: Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, LinkedIn, and LibraryThing. In addition some books are also reviewed on Kobo, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple and Google Play.